5 Steps to Freedom

I've discovered that the key to happiness is a life lived by design rather than default, lived out through beautiful and intentional connections with people. Sounds easy enough, right? But relationships can be tricky, especially when you've been hurt in the past. This book walks through my process of healing and freedom through and from broken connections. Let's identify where we are, where we want to be, and walk through this process of obtaining freedom together.

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5 STEPS Worksheet

This worksheet is designed for you to use over and over again as you go through each chapter of 5 STEPS TO FREEDOM. 

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5 STEPS - Paperback

Here is a link to purchase the paperback version of the book on Amazon


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7 Levels of Awareness

One of the biggest tools that has helped me in EVERY area of my life is learning about these levels.  

Where are you?  How can you go higher?

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Intro to 7 Levels

1. Animal

Fight or Flight

2. Mass

Follow the Masses

3. Aspiration

Desire More

4. Individual

Express individuality

5. Discipline

Following Through

6. Experience

Taking Action, Getting Results

7. Mastery

Results, Reflect, Adjust, Learn, No Attachment 

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