The Maxwell DISC assessments and reports raise your awareness by helping you understand and learn:

- Your DISC communication style (Maxwell DISC Personality Indicator)

- The communication style of others and how to connect to them

- The ideal environment where you can bring their best forward

- Your strengths in 7 key areas of influence

- How you can use this information to help in your daily life and relationships

Take your Assessment

The Maxwell DISC Method Assessment




"The way this assessment encapsulated my personality still astounds me. It illuminated so many things, from my own perception, to things those closest have been trying to say for years, and even brought perspective to areas I have felt stuck in. I feel this is an invaluable tool in personal and professional life.

Additionally, the debrief led by Missy offered even more perspective and a wealth of 'Ah-Ha' moments. I am so eager to use this knowledge to build myself up!"

Take Assessment

Melissa has been certified as a DISC Assessment Trainer
